Sunday 4 May 2014

Finished TV Package.

Due to a technology fault, we couldn't put the video footage with the audio, so we have to hand it in separately. There is something wrong with the file being saved in a certain format it won't allow us to add on the audio. This has really upset me as we've put so much time and effort into this TV package, and having an interview with a professional. Both the footage and Audio will be found on the memory stick. 

Here is the script we used for the audio. 
Today, due to the vast amount of university applicants, this has changed the dynamics of many factors of what a degree is worth. Degree’s are becoming less valuable to  employers, this has resulted into employers regarding more than just a degree thus, looking for employee’s with work experience with the field of study, and also education to a masters standard. Dr Mehmet, principle learning development Tutor at Middlesex University states ….

Dr. Mehmet Ali is talking

After talking with a few master degree students, it’s become clear that master studies have more advantages when looking to proceed into a professional career. It is also beneficial for a student, to get a deeper understanding about a particular field of study. Here we have a student talking about his experience…

Boy talking

However, this benefit of higher education is not affordable for everyone, espically for students who have just graduated with a degree. Dr. Mehmet shares his thoughts on students who are thinking about a masters degree.

Writing Assignment.

‘Technology is transforming citizens from passive consumers of news…’ 
Due to the vast change in technology, there has been a rapid alteration in the way journalism is now, compared to how journalism used to be. Technology such as Web 2.0 has allowed us (the consumers) to become producers of media. Social media has had an enormous impact on how news is now consumed, and then passed on. From print to online there is all of a sudden a large decrease in the amount of print papers readership and all of this is due to the change in technology.
“Technology is transforming citizens from passive consumers of news produced by professionals into active participants who can assemble their own journalism from disparate elements. As people Google for information, graze across a seemingly infinite array of outlets and read blogs or write them, they are becoming their own editors, researchers, and even correspondents. What was called journalism is only one part of the mix, and its role as intermediary and verifier, like the roles of other civic institutions, is weakening.”- Bill Kovach & Tom Rosenstiel, 'Chapter 1: What is Journalism For?', The Elements of Journalism, London, Atlantic, 2003.
The statements above I deeply agree with. The power of the Internet today; we can teach our self’s anything and everything to do with journalism. There are online courses, YouTube videos, online books, journals and articles, all that can give advice in order for people to self teach them self’s journalism and how to become a professional journalist. Technology has transformed citizens from passive consumers to active participants due to ability for people to publish work online. Consumers can the promote their own work by social media and using hash tags and hyperlinks so readers can access it easily. Also when Kovach and Rosenitel state ‘they are becoming their own editors, researchers and even correspondents’ this is right in the way that the process of an blog or website, is the consumer goes though the same process as a producer.
Web 2.0 has given the public the opportunity to create, research and then publish their own work. There are options to adjust settings, in order to set out the blog/ website in order for it to be presented in a particular way. There are websites that now help people create a website without having a deep understanding of HTML, codes etc. Web 2.0 has been completely transformed journalism. Looking back at journalism twenty or thirty years ago, members of the public never had the opportunity to publish their work like you can do today. Journalist working for news corporations would also have teams of people to go out shoot, report, research, interview, each person would have a certain role whereas now, journalist are expected to do that all by themselves as a one man band, so as well as filming, shooting, editing, researching reporting, journalist now have to obtain all of these different skills. According to the culture-ist there are over 2,405,518,376 users on the Internet worldwide, so the amount of news and content that is reaching these people is immense.
Social media has now become a big contributor for readers reaching stories within news. The most viewed social media site is YouTube with an astonishing 157 million monthly views, Facebook then follows with 148 monthly views and twitter with an 88 million monthly view. Social media websites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn all connect with news corporations like Facebook has apps which you can connect to online newspapers, newspapers will have there own twitter account so people are constantly being updated on the latest stories where as before there would only be a news paper published everyday and readers would have to wait until the paper is published where as now, communication within news has become a lot quicker.  Hash tags are also a main part in new journalism now. It’s important online writing is hash tagged with the right words as this can be linked with the news article and will be more easily accessible to people and easier for people to find the article. LinkedIn also have a link with news, as they have published pieces, which you can share, like, or comment. “In the coming years, if not sooner, social media will become a powerful tool that consumers will aggressively use to influence business attitudes and force companies into greater social responsibility - and, I suggest, move us towards a more sustainable practice of capitalism.” (Simon Mainwarning, 1997)  This leads me to mention the new sort of communication consumers can have with media. Having a share button on these social media sites and online magazines this helps the magazine become contributed on a bigger scale and can be sent to a lot more people, with print the only other way to have people pass on a paper or magazine is if they physically give it to someone. Another way for consumers to easily get involved is to comment on news articles. By commenting the reader can express their view on the article and even create a debate. This is something consumers have never had the opportunity before. As well as this can be a good thing, it can also cause harm in the way that people can act inappropriately online.

Blogging on websites like Blogger, Wordpress, and Tumblr allows consumers to become producers in the way that consumers have the opportunity to create, write and publish their own work and create there own news. There have been lots of successful blogs that now professionals follow and people rely on. This is a incredible way of becoming successful and some people now create and maintain a business through blogging. These blog websites allow consumers to easily upload text, images, video and audio to there work and usually they all have apps, so you can blog on your phone.
This new form of connection as well as it being a positive point, it can also be an extremely negative factor in journalism. Since social media has risen, there has been a rise in cyber bulling. “Bulling is violence and a human rights issue.” (Kirman, 2004) Being online, people feel it is easier to post what they wont as there is a screen in the way but there is a cranked down on what is said on social media and people are beginning to be arrested for bad things said on social media. Bullying being one issue but authenticity is another. People can be anyone they want to be on social media, and this is a problem as there are comments being said on social media that is not appropriate. Especially celebrities will get threat on social media, some even go as far as death threats.  It is important that online people understand to respect one an other and to use the Internet wisely. Another factor is personal information being handed out on social media people have to be careful of, so when commenting on article it’s all about being safe.
To conclude, I do agree with the statement Kovach and Rosentiel claim. I strongly believe that technology has altered journalism, journalist skills and abilities entirely. The readers have changed as well since the advances of technology today allowing them to interact closely with media and become closer and part of the media it’s self. And to sum up, we are producers as well as consumers.  

Caryl Phillips, 2008. Migrant Journeys: A Converstation with Caryl Phillips.
Kevorkian, M., D’Antona, R., 2008. 101 Facts about Bullying: What Everyone Should Know. R&L Education.
Kovach, B., Rosenstiel, T., 2001. The Elements of Journalism: What Newspeople Should Know and the Public Should Expect. Crown Publishing Group.
McGuire, S., 2003. That’s show business. The Guardian.

Science 2.0: Great New Tool, or Great Risk? [WWW Document], n.d. URL (accessed 5.7.14).



WYSIWYG is an programme that allows a website to be created easily, for example WordPress, Tumblr, Blogger, all these programmes allow you to easily create a website and post content in way that you don't have to understand HTML codes etc to create a website. The programme does this for you.


This helps advance a website in a search engine become higher up in a search. For Example, if typed in google - Plumers In London, it may come up with a ten thousand results, SEO helps creates a better visibility for the website in the search engine.


Similar to WYSIWYG, CMS is a programme that helps out with editing, publishing etc.

For creating the website, the steps given wasn't working on MacBooks, alternately I was told to use A site that helps create a website...
So here is my very simple webpage.

Radio Reports.

Edited Radio reports on Audacity.

The files is linked below.

NY Explosion
NY Explosion Witness


ISO7 makes IPhone look more like a child's toy. 

When first downloading IS07, I was so excited because of all the people who had already upgraded their iPhone claimed how brilliant it was. However, when I downloaded it, I was disappointed with the design. 

First thing which drew my attention with the lock screen was the black bar type designer were no longer on the new design. And the button with the arrow on that you had to slide was gone, on part of the actual look of the design is probably my favourite change, it is more transparent and give the impression that the screen is bigger and they're no blocks making it feel smaller. The large time numbers and the date on the lock screen have become a lot thinner and more modern, but this font reminds me too much of android already. The option to bring down the notification centre is something I don't use much of anyway but I guess it's a good thing it's there. 

Notification centre. 
Pulling quickly down to revel the notification is good as it is quick and fast but like I wrote previously I don't use it that often. Although when I have used it I like the three options of 'Today', 'All' or 'Missed' I think this is really useful for every use and generally busy people, putting all there notifications together and allowing them to see quickly emails, and updates. What's also very handy is in the 'today' column is how shows the weather in a way that is written as if it is another human. 

The first time I noticed this was when the disappointment hit me. The block colours and simple design again making it look just like an android and more like a child's toy. Rather than an expensive piece of technology. The previous design colours being more graidiant  allowing it to be a lot more realistic where as the new design is more pop art like.  The other thing I have found is that it takes a little longer to unlock the screen as there is now a little animation that erupts when the apps upload. Another new thing with the apps is now that the appearance of them are more animated one being the clock, the clock now shows the real time which I think is quite helpful. Another little thing that is that little bit more helpful is there is now a practically unlimited space when putting apps together to create a folder. 

The Phone and contact app has kept very much the same with the same, missed called, recent etc, any how, there is now a option where you can block a contact which again I think is extremely useful when it comes to security and privacy. Safari has now generouslly allowed the option to full in full screen which is a lot better, allows you to view a lot more and get the most of surfing the web on your mobile. The camera has been given a massive new design but I am defiantly for this, it allows you do to things so much easier, like flipping for the different settings weather it be recording or pano which I think the iPhone defiantly needed this new boot. Alwell as those different settings there are a whole different editing choices which is just what the Camera app needed and hope they will still improve on this in the future. Siri is pretty much the same although you can now change the sex of Siri's voice. But you will notice Siri has become a lot more help recently swell. 

To sum up, I do like the overall changes made to IPhone made by ISO7, but the one thing I would defiantly keep was the old design this design I feel is defiantly to childlike for the piece of technology it is and how expensive it is. I also hate the fact that it is looking more like android which is why i brought an Apple IPhone, because of it being unique and different. 

Newsday Two.

Newsday Two, there were a lot of problems with technical difficulites. Ella and I eneded up loosing our work. We were in charge of the head lines that day and looked at all the main news coroprations like BBC, Aljazeera, The Guardian, France 24 etc. We then went around the other groups to put pictures  and video footage to go with the head lines. 

Below is a serious picture of myself when I was practicing my professional report voice. 

Newsday One.

WHO     - Eight people killed, 28 wounded. 
WHAT   - Suiside Bomber, kills.
WHERE - Mosque in Pakistan. City of Peshawar.
WHEN   - Tuesday 4th Feb

A suicide bomb attacker has left nine people dead in Peshawar Pakistan. Twenty eight people  were wounded. The attack took place on Tuesday in a hotel right next to a mosque and happened just after the worshipers had left. Police say there may have been one or more suicide bomber involved.

Technical Exercises.

Given the task to go and out with a HM 100 and shoot basic shots such as a pan, zoom, and establishing shot. In a group myself, Hilda and Ella went out with our camera's completed the task, took quite a few takes to do the zoom out shot as Hilda walked towards us to the camera. As we went to present the work in class, there was a technical problem and we hadn't saved the work onto the memory card properly so it didn't have our finished work on there. From this I learnt to make sure I set up the camera properly so none of my work is lost again, as this may be a problem in the future especially if organising an interview then recording it but not having the footage saved.

In a group with Erika we attempted to retake the videos. The second take are on the memory stick labeled technical exercises.

Wilet Chapter 10 - 14.

Shot Sizes
Establishing/wide shot
Long shot
Mid shot
Medium Close up
Close up
Extreme close up

Single and Two shots
Single - One person in the frame
Two shot - Two people in the frame
Over the should shot
Point of view - viewer seeing from the characters point.

Birds Eye
Oblique Angles - Dutch tilt
Camera tilts

Camera Moves
Whip Pan - Quick Pan
Crash Zoom
Tracking/ Dolly Shot

Framing A Shot. 
Looking Room
Rule Of Thirds
Depth of field.

Radio Copy with Audio Recording.

Two operatoers of Bitcoins exchanged have been charged with conspiracy to commit money laundering and running unlicensed money transmitting business.

Robert Faiella 52 arrested at his home in florida and Charlie Sherm 24 arrested at NewYork international airport received a criminal complaint from Federal prosecutors. "Robert Faiella and Charlie Shrem schemed to sell over $1 million in Bitcoins to criminals bent on trafficking narcotics on the dark web drug site, Silk Road," said US Attorney

Here is a link to download the Audio.


A suicide bomb attack has left nine people dead in Peshawar, Pakistan. Twenty eight people were wounded. The attack took place on Tuesday in a hotel right next to a mosque as the worshipers were leaving. Police say there may have been one or more suicide bomber involved in the attack. 

Radio Copy Written From Agency Wires.

Rhino Story.

Despite only four thousand black rhinos left in the wild Corey Knowlton, leader of hunting trip in Dallas has paid three hundred and fifty thousand pounds, in order to have the right to hunt the endangered african black Rhino. Knowlton Claims "I am a Hunter." Knowing that these animals are endangered Knowlton still wants to kill this dying species. 

South Sudan.
Concern rises in Juba as south Sudan rebels seized the town of Bor Late on Wednesday. Around four hundred and fifty people have been killed in Juba since Sunday, which was the day the attacks broke out. "There is a risk of this violence spreading to other states, and we have already seen some signs of this," states UN leader Ban Ki-moon. Foreigners are being evacuated from the country the US and UK have sent out flights for there citizens, others are fleeing to Uganda.

China Rocket Story.

China's extraterrestrial landing craft to settle on the moon early hours of monday morning. The Xichang Satellite Launch Centre blasted the rocket a 1.30am, this will mean china will become the third country to soft- land on the moon. If successful China claims it will share its technological achievements with other nations especially the developing ones. Chinese scientist have spoken about the possibility of sending a human on the moon in 2020 and will offer to train astronauts from other countries.